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Spice Up Your Summer Cuisine

Mix up your summer salad with Leblon foods!

How can you take a regular salad and make it savory and new again?

By adding different ingredients to your salad. Here are five simple ways to change up a classic salad for summer.

  1. Yogurt love this

Taking classic fruit is already a refreshing and healthy treat. This is a great summer treat for mornings, after a long day in the pool, or for dessert at a BBQ. To take a basic fruit salad to the next level try adding some yogurt over it. We highly recommend using our Biovida kosher yogurts (especially consider adding coconut, guava, acai, and mango) to top off any fruit salad.

  1. Quail Eggs...add me in

The classic summer salad with hard boiled eggs is great. It has everything a salad could ever need, or so you thought. Instead of normal eggs consider using quail eggs. Not only are they more nutrient dense but bring on a new decadent flavor to any summer salad.

  1. Pass the Cheese

On a hot summer day a nice cold salad like a three cheese salad is just what you need.For cheese lovers a three cheese salad is a must have. While the cheese at your local grocery store is tasty it is not always the most exciting option. Imagine having a three cheese salad with cheese from Mexico, Columbia, and Ecuador in one salad now that's a game changer.

  1. Bring on the Chorizo

Having protein in a salad is vital to having a balanced meal. Naturally our minds drift off to adding steak or chicken to a salad. While these are classic choices, imagine having a chorizo salad. With savory and delectable options like Chorizo Parrilleo from Argentina or even Chorizo from Uruguayo. Make a chorizo salad that is both adventurous and protein packed.

  1. Drizzle the Crema

Creamy salads are essential to beating the summer heat. Whether it is a creamy garden salad or a sour cream vegetable salad. These delicious salads could have much more potential when adding a quality and thick crema over it instead of a traditional sour cream. Some of our favorites are the Pura-Leche crema from El Salvador and Lupita Creama Pura from Mexico are the perfect substitutes.

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